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Demokrasi kesukuan adalah sebuah sistem atau bentuk pemerintahan setempat yang diselenggarakan di dalam batas-batas:
 * Wilayah ulayat
 * Jangkauan hukum adat
 * Sistem kepemimpinan serta pola kepemimpinan suku
 * Dan segala perangkat kesukuannya
Demokrasi kesukuan juga dapat disebut sebagai demokrasi yang asli dan alamiah. Hal ini karena demokrasi kesukuan telah berkembang secara alami dan turun-temurun dalam masyarakat adat.
Ciri-ciri demokrasi kesukuan:
 * Musyawarah mufakat: Keputusan diambil melalui musyawarah mufakat, di mana semua anggota masyarakat adat memiliki hak untuk berbicara dan menyampaikan pendapatnya.
 * Adat istiadat: Adat istiadat menjadi dasar utama dalam pengambilan keputusan.
 * Kepemimpinan kolektif: Pemimpin dipilih secara kolektif oleh masyarakat adat.
 * Sanksi adat: Sanksi adat digunakan untuk menegakkan aturan dan norma yang berlaku dalam masyarakat adat.
Manfaat demokrasi kesukuan:
 * Menjaga kelestarian budaya: Demokrasi kesukuan membantu menjaga kelestarian budaya dan nilai-nilai tradisional masyarakat adat.
 * Meningkatkan rasa persatuan: Demokrasi kesukuan membantu meningkatkan rasa persatuan dan kebersamaan dalam masyarakat adat.
 * Memperkuat demokrasi lokal: Demokrasi kesukuan dapat memperkuat demokrasi lokal dan nasional.
Tantangan demokrasi kesukuan:
 * Pengaruh budaya luar: Pengaruh budaya luar dapat mengancam kelestarian demokrasi kesukuan.
 * Konflik internal: Konflik internal dalam masyarakat adat dapat menghambat pelaksanaan demokrasi kesukuan.
 * Kurangnya pengetahuan: Kurangnya pengetahuan tentang demokrasi kesukuan dapat menyebabkan miskomunikasi dan kesalahpahaman.
Contoh demokrasi kesukuan di Indonesia:
 * Masyarakat adat Dani di Papua: Masyarakat adat Dani di Papua memiliki sistem demokrasi kesukuan yang disebut dengan musyawarah adat.
 * Masyarakat adat Minangkabau di Sumatera Barat: Masyarakat adat Minangkabau di Sumatera Barat memiliki sistem demokrasi kesukuan yang disebut dengan ranah nagari.
 * Masyarakat adat Baduy di Banten: Masyarakat adat Baduy di Banten memiliki sistem demokrasi kesukuan yang disebut dengan hukum adat Baduy.
Demokrasi kesukuan adalah bagian penting dari budaya dan tradisi masyarakat adat di Indonesia. Melestarikan demokrasi kesukuan berarti melestarikan budaya dan tradisi masyarakat adat.
Apakah Anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang demokrasi kesukuan di Indonesia?

By Sabrina Tabi 

Kalkot Mataskelekele, former President of Vanuatu, says the current referendum is a rare opportunity for everyone to participate in the democratic system of the country's government.

According to him, this is a unique moment where citizens can directly influence a law, usually decided by parliament. 

He encourages everyone to vote, whether for or against the proposal, to ensure the results reflect the people's will.

Mataskelekele while casting his vote at the Chief's Nakamal Polling Station this morning, noted that polling stations are less crowded than in past elections. 

He thinks this might be because only those with a national ID can vote, and many people might not have one.
I will be turning 22 years in Papua New Guinea this year. I have visited, lived, and served in the 4 regions of this country which is some provinces out of 22 provinces.
During my emersion and encountering the people of this country, I could tell that there are traits and characteristics of Papua New Guineans similar to Filipinos. Let me highlight some...

* FRIENDLINESS. This is Reuben Kambao in the photo. He smiled at me from a distance and I smiled back and introduced himself. As a Filipino, I am definitely friendly and so we chatted for awhile and he told me he had watched my videos on social media. We decided to take a photo and I promised him I will upload our photo. To make friends is to connect, understand, and respect each other.

*HUMBLENESS. This trait for sure makes us connect because of the understanding of how we work towards achieving dreams. How I witnessed their struggles and achieve success is similar to how we Filipinos struggles to have a better life. The humility of Papua New Guineans to quietly perform.

*GENEROSITY. I have encountered being given something or even food by Papua New Guineans. So many times I have experienced the generosity of Papua New Guineans. One time, my neighbour gave a coffee from Goroka and the other time when the tire of my car got flat and they rescued me and the list goes on. Their ability to share and serve from their hearts is similar to how we Filipinos share or serve something without expecting in return.

*FAMILY ORIENTED. The strong bond within and amongst members in the family. Sticking, supporting and taking care of each other. This trait made us share the same belief that FAMILY is the foundation of our identity and the motivation to work harder and smarter to achieve success in life and be able to serve and pay back the family most especially our parents.

*RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. This I believe is the most common trait we have. Papua New Guinea and The Philippines are Christian countries. We easily connect and understand each other because of our religious beliefs. When I first arrived in PNG in 2002 and do not know Tok Pisin well, I attended a Sunday church in which the choir sang in Tok Pisin language and I could feel the spirit while hearing them sing.

Do you agree with all the common traits we have Filipinos and Papua New Guineans?

Laikim yupela olgeta blad blomi 🇵🇬.
Mahal ko po kayo aking Kaibigan 🇵🇭.
