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 Sejak 2014 kita dengar pemerintah Indonesia bangun narasi seperti ini:

1. ULMWP dibentuk 2014 dituduh itu LSM/NGO untuk kepentingan agenda asing dan Kapitalis.
2. Petisi 1.8 tahun 2017 diluncurkan dan diserahkan ke Komisi 24 dan komisi HAM PBB, dituduh itu agenda NGO, tidak ada agenda PBB, dan agenda Kapitalis asing.
3. Petisi dituduh sebagai agenda asing dan kapitalis, tetapi akhirnya ditiru jalan itu, tetapi gagal.
4. UUDS dibuat dan diumumkan dituduh itu agenda asing dan kepentingan kapitalis.
5. 1 Desember 2020 umumkan pemerintahan sementara ULMWP dituduh itu agenda asing dan kepentingan kapitalis.
6. Kabinet sementara diumumkan 1 Mei 2021 dituduh itu agenda asing dan agenda kapitalis.
7. Orang terbaik yang bergerak untuk kemanusiaan dan perjuangan kemerdekaan ditunjuk sebagai perwakilan perjuangan Papua, dituduh itu sebagai agenda asing dan kepentingan kapitalis.
8. Green State Vision yang digagas sebagai visi bangsa masa depan bagi keseimbangan, perdamaian, demokrasi dan keharmonisan dituduh sebagai agenda asing dan kepentingan kapitalis.
9. LSM/NGO yang bergerak atas kemanusiaan dan HAM, dituduh itu NGO bekerja kepentingan donasi asing dan kepentingan kapitalis.
Tuduhan kosong, tanpa bukti dan fakta ini menunjukkan posisi individu itu, sekarang ada dimana, dan kemana akan pergi. Kalimat-kalimat ini selalu kami dengar dari mulut penguasa Indonesia atas kegelisahan mereka.

Salam waras.

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Tidak ada teori terisolasi, dalam hal tertentu saling terkoneksi diantara teori-teori yang beroposisi, ontologi di satu sisi dan teori epistemologi di sisi lain. Dengan kata lain, materialisme di satu sisi, dan idealisme di sisi lain. Teori-teori ontologi maupun epistemologi saling terkoneksi pada hukum-hukum umum dalam ilmu pengetahuan. Dalam kerangka itu, green state vision sebagai salah satu unsur dalam hukum keseimbangan yang dapat diasumsikan lintas oposisi biner antara ontologi dan epistemologi. Green State Vision dianalisa dengan metode dan teori dari dua sisi berlawanan tersebut. 

Pendekatan objektif, subjektif dan ideasional. 
Visi dari green state adalah materialisme dialektik dari dunia realita, dan kumpulan peristiwa-peristiwa di satu sisi, dan di sisi lain, kumpulan ide, gagasan, konsep, pandangan atau sistem pengetahuan manusia tentang diri dan dunianya.       
Orang Papua bilang manusia, tanah, flora, vauna dan alam semesta itu bagian dari tubuhnya. Karena semua asal dari satu tubuh. Mereka bilang tiap klen memiliki simbol dengan unsur di luar dirinya itu, disebut totem. Mereka bilang semua bagian tanah, sungai, gunung, flora, vauna, laut, udara dan awan itu bagian dari dirinya sendiri, dan dianggap sebagai kerabatnya. Dalam ritus tertentu semisal inisiasi mereka berhubungan dengan semua elemen itu, elemen tertentu digunakan sebagai energi atau kekuatan bagi tubuh dan jiwa mereka, karena itu manusia selalu membangun relasi melalui media tertentu. Hubungan ini dibangun demi keseimbangan antara manusia dengan elemen di luar dirinya itu. 

Dalam pandangan ini, para saintis beritahu kita bahwa tubuh manusia ini terdiri dari sejumlah elemen, dan diantara itu ada empat elemen paling besar: Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, dan Nitrogen. Itu semua berasal dari tanah, tumbuhan, hewan, air, udara, dan energi dari planet lain. Struktur tubuh manusia terdiri dari elemen-elemen itu, maka manusia memiliki relasi timbal balik dengan semua elemen tersebut. Relasi timbal balik itu saling terkoneksi untuk mempertahankan keseimbangan. Satu sisi elemen-elemen itu berkontribusi terhadap kehidupan manusia, dan sebaliknya, manusia pun berkontribusi terhadap kelangsungan lingkungan, seperti tumbuh-tumbuhan dan energi bumi dalam bentuk bakteri dan fosil setelah kematiannya.  
Saintis juga beritahu kita bahwa, flora, vauna, tanah, air, udara merupakan satu rangkaian lingkaran, manusia, hewan dan tumbuhan terima energi dari atmosfer untuk hidup, ketika mati berubah menjadi bakteri dan masuk dalam tanah, dan bakteri itu terproses melalui tumbuh-tumbuhan, dan atau langsung ke atmosfer. Bakteri yang transfer ke tumbuhan itu masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia dan hewan melalui makanan, dan lain dibawa oleh hujan masuk ke tanah melalui proses percolation, dan mengalir ke sungai dan laut. Lalu laut mengalami evaporation atau penguapan ke udara karena energi matahari dan berubah menjadi awan dengan proses contensation, dan selanjutnya mengalami proses precipitation dan kembali ke bumi dalam bentuk hujan. Proses sirkulasi ini adalah hukum keseimbangan. 

Dalam hukum dialektik Hegel, dan Marx, fenomena alam atau realita alam adalah materialisme dialektik. Manusia ingin meningkatkan kualitas hidup, kapitalis produksi besar-besaran energi dan sumber daya alam dalam sistem kapitalisme. Produksi secara kuantitas tanpa batas kemudian diproses berubah menjadi kualitas untuk meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan manusia. Semisal batu uranium diproses menjadi nuklir untuk kesejahraan manusia, atau diproses menjadi senjata kimia masal. Ini terjadi sebagai akibat dari revolusi kognisi, ke revolusi science hingga ke revolusi industri dan teknologi. Dalam proses dari kuantitatif ke kualitatif ini telah mengesampingkan hukum keseimbangan. Sebaliknya, Marx konstruksi sosialisme sebagai anti tesis kapitalisme, dan menciptakan oposisi bineri, dan sosialisme akhirnya kalah saing dari kapitalisme. Akibatnya, manusia dan planet bumi menghadapi krisis kepanasan global berkontribusi perubahan iklim global. 

Unsur terkecil disebut atom terdiri dari tiga partikel: Proton, Neutron, dan Electron. Posisi Neutron netralisir oposisi biner antara proton dan electron, dan posisi neutron dipandang sebagai keseimbangan kedua oposisi itu. Manusia dan planet bumi hari ini diperlukan keseimbangan diantara oposisi bineri itu, di satu sisi antara produksi kuantitas dan kualitas dari aktivitas manusia itu. Manusia produksi sumber daya alam dalam jumlah besar, pertambangan, eksploidasi energi, berbagai pembangunan pemukiman, infrastruktur, penebangan hutan dan perkebunan skala besar. Produksi industri, teknologi dan informasi masal dalam segala kualitas. Pada sisi lain, cadangan sumber daya alam berkurang, hutan menjadi gundul dan tandus, suhu kepanasan bumi meningkat, ekosistem rusak dan terganggu, cadangan oxsigen menipis, air laut meningkat ke permukaan bumi karena es di kutup utara cair. 

Dalam menghadapi tantangan oposisi bineri itu, Green State Vision hadir sebagai solusi dan sekaligus garansi bagi manusia untuk eksistensi dan keperlanjutan umat manusia dan planet bumi ini. Dalam pandangan ini Green State Vision diposisikan sebagai Hukum Keseimbangan yang menawarkan kepada dunia untuk menjaga keseimbangan, kedamaian dan keharmonisan antara manusia dengan elemen lain di planet ini. Hukum Keseimbangan merepresentasikan makna-makna tentang rekonsiliasi, kedamaian, keadilan, keharmonisan, perlindungan, dan kelanjutan eksistensi umat manusia dan seluruh kehidupan di planet ini.

Bangsa Papua telah ditempati di tanah ini sejak penciptaan, dan mereka menjaga, melindungi dan merawat relasi keseimbangan mereka dengan unsur lain di luar dirinya. Dalam filsafah hidup orang Papua, semua mahluk baik yang hidup maupun mati dipandang sebagai bagian dari dirinya sendiri, atau kerabatnya sendiri. Orang Papua memperlakukan mahluk-mahluk itu layaknya sebagai kerabat, menjaga, melindungi dan merawat relasi mereka secara timbal-balik, saling menguntungkan, berkeseimbangan dan keharmonisan. Hubungan mereka itu direpresentasikan melalui media-media, dan simbol-simbol kultural tertentu yang dipahami sebagai relasi dan makna keterlibatan unsur-unsur di luar manusia itu. Suatu keseimbangan dan kontinuitas itu ditentunkan oleh kesuksesan terlaksananya suatu ritus secara tepat dan benar sebagai media komunikasi antara dua arah saling diuntungkan. 

Dengan demikian tercipta keseimbangan. Karena itu, Green State Vision adalah keseimbangan bagi kehidupan, keselamatan eksistensi dan kelanjutan manusia, planet bumi dan segala isinya.
Oleh Ibrahim Peyon, Ph. D

Green State Vision WEST PAPUA adalah sebuah visi untuk masa depan orang Papua, Indonesia, Pasifik dan seluruh umat manusia di dunia ini. Green State Vision hadir untuk menjawab tantangan perubahan iklim yang mengancam umat manusia secara global dan ancaman kerusakan planet bumi ini. Perubahan iklum membawa dampak yang serius bagi eksistensi umat manusia di bumi. Di mana telah mengalami kekeringan, kebakaran, banjir, longsor, stunamik, karena meningkatnya suhu kepanasan bumi akibat aktivitas manusia. Dalam rangka mengatasi tantangan perubahan iklim tersebut, bangsa Papua muncul dengan Green State Vision West Papua sebagai solusi untuk memberikan garansi bagi kehidupan manusia, mahluk lain, alam dan keselamatan planet bumi ini.

Green State Vision WEST PAPUA adalah; VISI PAPUA DAMAI dan HARMONI sebagai berikut: 

(1). Green State Vision adalah Visi kedamaian manusia, damai dalam keluarga, damai dengan sesama, damai dengan tetangga, damai di antara etnik, damai dengan bangsa lain, dan damai dengan musuh.

(2). Green State Vision adalah visi damai manusia dengan Tuhan, damai manusia dengan roh, damai manusia dengan roh leluhur, damai manusia dengan kekuatan lain di tanah Papua.

(3). Green State Vision adalah Visi kedamaian Alam dan Lingkungan, kedamaian tanah, kedamaian hutan, kedamaian sungai dan laut, kedamaian gunung, kedamaian dan kenyamanan iklim, suhu dan udara. Damai dengan lingkungan dan kebersihannya.

(4). Green State Vision adalah Visi kedamaian fauna atau hewan, kedamaian burung-burung, reptilia, hewan berkaki empat, Insekta, dan berbagai jenis lain.

(5). Green State Vision adalah Visi kedamaian antara manusia dengan Tuhan, antara manusia dengan roh leluhur dan antara manusia dengan kekuatan lain yang dihuni di alam sekitar.

(6). Green State Vision adalah dimana bentuk dan struktur bangunan hijau yang damai dan nyaman. Green State Vision berarti menolak struktur bangunan demokrasi, republik, dominion, kerajaan, serikat dan semua jenis lain konstruksi dari luar.

(7). Green State Vision memiliki filsafat yang hijau, ideologi yang hijau, pandangan yang hijau, kepercayaan yang hijau, perspektif yang hijau. Dengan demikian Green State Vision menolak ideologi kapitalisme, ideologi sosialisme, dll.

(8). Green State Vission adalah visi ekonomi hijau, fiskal hijau, moneter hijau, pengelolaan sumber daya alam hijau, pembangunan ekonomi dan insfrastruktur hijau. 
Green State Vision adalah visi dimana manusia berdamai dengan Tuhan, dirinya sendiri dan alam lingkungannya. Dimana manusia tidak merusak ciptaan lain, tidak memusuhi dan merusak sesama manusia dengan alasan apa pun, manusia tidak merusak dan menggali gunung berlebihan, tidak merusak dan mencemari sungai dan laut, menghormati dan menjaga hak tanah milik perorangan, klen dan suku lain. Manusia tidak merusak hutan, menjaga dan melindungi hak hidup flora dan vauna. Manusia menggunakannya secara bertanggung jawab dan berkelanjutan untuk masa depan generasi.

Dengan Green State Vision dapat menciptakan kedamaian dunia, keberlanjutan dunia, keselamatan manusia di dunia, dan keselamatan planet bumi. Green State Vision dapat mewujudkan Papua sebagai paru-paru dunia untuk menghasilkan oksigen bagi nafas planet bumi dari kematian.

Green State Vision adalah visi dan misi yang berasal dari filsafat asli Papua dan Melanesia. Filsafat hidup yang sudah ada dan dipraktikkan dan diaktualisasikan oleh orang Papua sejak leluhur, sejak mereka ditempatkan di tanah ini. Green State Vision adalah roh, jiwa dan budaya orang Papua dan bangsa Melanesia di tanah ini, dan falsafah itu diwujudkan dalam visi besar, “Green State Vision WEST PAPUA”.

#WestPapua #GreenState #GreenStateVision
Mendirikan Green State [Negara Hijau] pertama merupakan 'WUJUD' dari pada stengah abad perjuangan Rakyat Bangsa Papua untuk Papua Merdeka. 

Oleh sebab itu, Bagi Orang West Papua, Siapapun anda dan dimanapun anda berada, Tua-Muda, Laki"-Perempuan, Aktivis maupun Pejuang Kemerdekaan West Papua baik Militer/Sipil, bahkan PNS, Mahasiswa, Pelajar yang ada dalam sistem Kolonial NKRI. 

Untuk semua mewajibkan diri mengambil bagian dalam mengembangkan diskusi tentang Visi Negara Hijau Pertama West Papua di tempat tinggal masing-masing. Demi keselamatan hidup Bangsa Papua, serta Planet Bumi kedepan.

Mari kita bersatu-padu, mendorong Visi mulia ini bersama "Pemerntah Sementara Negara Republik West Papua."

Maju Bersama untuk Menang Selamanya. ๐Ÿ™✊✊



#GreenStateVision #GreenState #BlueCountry
#RepublicOfWestPapua #WestPapuaArmy
Planet Bumi merupakan tempat kehidupan seluruh Komunitas Makhluk, dalam tanda kutip (tidak hanya makhluk manusia) — Bumi dihuni oleh berbagai Makhluk. Ada hewan, tumbuh-tumbuhan, makhluk roh, bentangan alam dan benda-benda lain.

Kegiatan-kegiatan industri ekstraktif seperti pertambangan minyak, gas dan mineral, penebangan pohon, perkebunan kelapa sawit dan kegiatan lainnya menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan iklim (global warming) sangat cepat yang berdampak pada punahnya kehidupan di planet bumi.

(Makhluk Manusia) menjadi “aktor utama” penyebab pemusnahan ini. Kuasa yang diberikan Tuhan kepada makhluk Manusia disalahgunakan hingga batas tak terkontrol yang mendatangkan malapetaka besar bagi seluruh kehidupan — Betapa jahatnya Manusia yang menjadi aktor utama yang mendatangkan (neraka abadi bagi seluruh kehidupan).

Perlahan makhluk Manusia telah mengetahui, bahwa telah salah besar terhadap seluruh kehidupan di planet bumi. Terutama, manusia telah salah besar terhadap Tuhan (Sang Pencipta/pemberi kuasa/mandat) — 

Manusia mulai bingung sana-sini mencari “tempat tinggal cadangan” hingga ada yang lari ke Planet Mars, ada juga yang merancang Negara di luar angkasa sebagai tempat pelarian dari masalah.

Kehadiran (adanya) negara-negara merdeka di seluruh dunia, termasuk (terutama) Indonesia telah menjadi masalah besar bagi masa depan planet bumi (...)

dengan demikian,

“Apakah.... dengan ‘akan adanya’ kehadiran Kemerdekaan Negara Republik West Papua pun turut menjadi negara Merdeka ke Sekian yang yang membawa/menambah masalah baru? atau sebaliknya kemerdekaan West Papua dapat membawa “solusi bagi masalah yang ada” — ini adalah tanggung jawab kita bersama termasuk seluruh dunia.
West Papua merupakan paru-paru bagi dunia (organ pernapasan bagi planet bumi) — oleh karenanya, kemerdekaan West Papua akan sangat menentukan arah (menjadi kompas) masa depan kehidupan bumi.

Intinya adalah: “semua makhluk penghuni planet Bumi” membutuhkan “Kehidupan” — untuk itu, tindakan mendesak (urgent) yang harus dilakukan adalah menyelamatkan planet bumi yang adalah tempat hidup seluruh makhluk.

West Papua melalui United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) pada 2020 kemarin telah mengadopsi Undang-Undang Dasar (UUDS) dan Pemerintah Sementara dengan Visi-nya menjadi: NEGARA HIJAU PERTAMA DI DUNIA atau GREEN STATE.

Diadopsinya UUDS Provisional Government of West Papua mencakup semua bidang, terutama yang menjadi prioritas Pemerintah Sementara adalah mendatangkan Keselamatan dan Kehidupan abadi bagi seluruh Komunitas Makhluk khususnya di West Papua dan secara menyeluruh adalah kehidupan bagi planet bumi — 

Kemerdekaan West Papua tidak hanya menjadi kemerdekaan bagi bangsa Melanesia di West Papua, tetapi lebih dari itu adalah kemerdekaan bagi seluruh kehidupan di planet bumi, dimana Pemerintah Sementara West Papua (ULMWP) hadir dengan Visi-nya “Green State” (...)
West Papua sudah siap!
★ Kami sudah punya Undang-Undang Dasar dan Pemerintah Sementara (Provisional Government of West Papua | ULMWP)
★ Kami sudah punya Presiden dan Perdana Menteri;
★ Kami sudah punya 12 Kabinet Menteri yang mencakup semua bidang;
★ Kami sudah punya Kedutaan Besar (Kedubes) di seluruh dunia;
★ Kami sudah punya pagar negara Pemerintah Sementara, yakni “West Papua Army” dengan Panglima Komandannya Chief. Gen. Mathias Wenda dan Wakil Panglimanya Gen. Goliath Tabuni berserta lima (5) kepala staf;
★ Kami sudah punya Kepolisian West Papua (West Papua Police) sebagai penegak hukum Pemerintah Sementara;
★ Kami sudah punya Visi dan Misi perjuangan kemerdekaan West Papua yang jelas (tidak sporadis seperti yang di-cap kolonial Indonesia);

Kami sudah siap!
West Papua siap bernegara, dengan Visi-nya “Green State” — kemerdekaan West Papua adalah keselamatan bumi.


#FreeWestPapua #WestPapua #GreenState
PORT VILA, VANUATU (10 August 2021): Consultations have begun between the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Secretariat and the University of Queensland’s Asia Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) on possible areas of collaboration.

On behalf of the MSG Secretariat’s Acting Director General, George Hoa’au, Manager for Political and Security Affairs (PSA) programme, Ilan Kiloe acknowledged the Centre for the opportunity to engage.
A brief update of the Secretariat’s own programmes were provided to the APR2P, a project that focuses on the prevention of atrocity crimes and the protection of vulnerable communities in the Asia Pacific region.

Potential areas initially identified included broad areas of Climate Change, Governance and Political Stability – all of which are linked to the five strategic priorities of the security strategy namely border and marine; cyber security, transnational crime; disaster and mechanics for managing climate change risk through proper coordination.

APR2P Pacific Director, Romulo Nayacalevu, said they can now work on strategies of delivery given that potential areas had been identified. He added that the programme was happy to support MSG members.

Following further discussions into other areas, the possibility of developing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be drawn up to formalize this working relationship.

Caption: Participants of today's virtual talks with APR2P.
No Signpost. And, lessons left on the table. 

The militant nationalist and former PNGDF Commander Jerry Singirok was the kingpin. And, he was critical of PNG's political failures that prompted his talking to power in 1997.

He later wrote his book entitled, 'A Matter Of Conscience'.

Today, his country, still hanging on, is ravaged by the same story he arrested in 1997, 24 years ago. The series of within - systems political changes happened, and PNG moved on, forging the way ahead. 

This year, 2021, is 45 years. The challenges of independence and nationhood tested our leadership:

(1) 1997 Sandline Crisis.
(2) 1999 Governance Crisis.
(3) 2011/12 Political Impasse.
(3) 2019 Laguna Effect ' Hung' Parliament.
(4) 2020 ' Hung' Parliament, Legitimacy Crisis, 63 Sitting Days Deficit.

The point made by Jerry Singirok when he caused the demise, and dislocation, of the reigning regime in 1997 is clear.

It was the mood of economic nationalism in PNG which no leader can ignore, and the focus by what he sees as the role of leaders to constructively channel it from there to pursue the national interest.

He defined outlawing of backroom deals , but this could happen without isolating the country
and its national interests.

In the latest of the waves of uncertainty, and political turmoil:

(1) in 2019, the result of the within - systems political change hit Peter O’Neill, who was dethroned as Prime Minister. 

By virtue of his longevity and energy, he was probably PNG’s most powerful prime minister, a skilful politician, and he appeared invincible for so long.

But, he finished his time as prime minister isolated and defeated by what even he admitted was a perceived “need for change”, his achievements insufficient to counter his mistakes and vacillations.

And, he was also perhaps the most divisive.


(2) But, his definition of national interest means the midstream within - systems political change in 2019 has come under attack, and PNG politics goes to the courts.

Oneill is fighting to defend his space.

There were three cases pursued by the Opposition: (1)Validity of James Marape’s election as PM; (2) Legality of parliamentary session on 17 November 2020, and subsequent adjournment of Parliament to April, 2021; and (3) final adjournment of Parliament to August 10, 2021 with 63 minimum required sitting days challenged in court.

James Marape and his predecessor, Peter Oneill will play their cards in the next 12 months. The practice of politicians turning to the court may have left many constitutional questions unanswered.

And, for MPs the stakes could not be higher, and time is short. 

(3) Both Marape and Oneill are exploiting the instability, and predatory landscape of PNG politics, to be in government when elections are held in the second half of 2022. 

O'Neill could still institute or pull a vote of no confidence less than 12 months before the issue of writs for the next election.

The script:

(1) Peter O'Neill will count on this option. The roadshows to different, and key electorates in the country already happened. 

And, FB branding of PNC as the stand alone example of the dream team for PNG through live chat twice with 1000s following took the fight closer to conclusion than thought possible.

(2) And, if the vote is successful, the Governor General will dissolve parliament and bring elections forward 12 months. 

With the high turnover rate, in which about half the incumbent MPs lose their seat every election, the pain of losing their seats in 2022 will cause MPs to side with an early winner.

In 2022, the turnover is likely to be about 80 percent from data available. It is a disturbing scenario post - Covid 19 scar or 'scam' which has embedded itself.

 The Marape/Basil regime gets all the blame.

And, MPs have no time to defend themselves through debate in Parliament and therefore insulate, take cover from raging public sentiments against sitting MPs.

(3) In the event of a vacancy in the PM’s post, however, parliament can vote in a new PM without dissolution of parliament.

In the aftermath of 2011 political impasse, with eight months left before the issue of writs for the 2012 elections, political change still occurred. 

The absent Prime Minister Michael Somare (in Singapore receiving medical treatment) in 2011 was removed as MP by a motion put on the floor of parliament, and the PM seat declared 'vacant’.

Parliament then elected Peter O’Neill, instead of running a vote of no confidence. 

The opposition now pinned its hope to win the last of the three cases. And, keep hopes alive through the courts to have a go at dislodging Marape. The prime minister on the other hand needs to win all three. He won two out of three.

Still, there is no guarantee the Opposition would win any vote of no confidence, which it would still need to do – unless the Prime Minister is forced to resign.

If it does come to a vote of no confidence, the outcome is unclear. The numbers game counts. Any political change will suggest the scenario to unfold into 2022 NGE. And, after. 

In the developing story, and drama, Peter Oneill possibly comes back into the conversation as the man to watch.

The courts will play a critical role in PNG politics to say whose definition of national interest was correct, sustainable, politically correct.


Meanwhile, the lessons from Sandline Crisis are still on the table.

The definition of national interest is illusive. It saved Peter Oneill. Or, contaminated? James Marape, his successor, is firing blanks.

We follow the discussion on economic nationalism, and the opportunities that went begging in which the story became blurred. 

The ideal remains on the table.


17 March 2011

Sandline Mercenary Crisis – PNG Failed to Learn the Lessons, Says Singirok

(Source: Post Courier, Jerry Singirok, OPINION)

The former commander of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force reflects on the 1997 Sandline mercenary crisis that grabbed international headlines. His professional judgement at the time on the future of his country was critical. His conscience outweighed what was deemed a lawful executive order.

The former commander of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force, Jerry Singirok, reflects on the 1997 Sandline mercenary crisis that grabbed international headlines. His professional judgement at the time on the future of his country was critical. His conscience outweighed what was deemed a lawful executive order.


It has been 14 years to this day when, as Commander Papua New Guinea Defence Force, I made a conscious decision, not only to abort the Sandline Contract “Contravene”, but also to expel Sandline mercenaries out of PNG and subsequently ask the then Prime Minister, Sir Julius Chan, his deputy and the Minister for Defence to resign.

Historians and many commentators have marked this event as a major crisis in PNG history.

However, in the main it was a result of series of blunders on the part of the executive arm of the government and policy advisor who had far ulterior motives other than addressing genuine plea for increased benefits for the landowners and the Bougainville Provincial Government.

The result was a significant shift in the security decision making thus affecting national security within the context of protecting PNG’s national interest, subsequently unleashing the contract by the grieving party which was me as commander and a handful of military hardliners who supported my opposition and successfully executed Operations “ Rausim Kwik”.

Upon reflection, it is disheartening to say the least that nothing has changed much since March 1997.

From the influx of illegal immigrants, lack of effective border security, and hegemonic tussles between the economic global giants, PNG continues to be an open and free playing field for investors and opportunists who by cohesion with our decision makers and respective agencies in the name of economic development ignore the plight of landowners and continue to generate uncertainties, frustrations thus creating a certain air of frustration throughout Papua New Guinea today.

Our era (1975-1997) was in the cold war era, where the military had to re-think and re-strategise new roles in Civil Military Affairs whereby the military if it had to justify its existence, must be restructured and re-trained into a military force that should be ready to assist during natural disaster, assist mainly in policing roles and contribution to international peace keeping and law enforcement.


It was therefore incumbent that those in position of command at that time understand the transition of a fighting force to a force for peace-making and the constraints and limitations it had was most daunting task for any military commander.

This was the dilemma I had as commander where the Papua New Guinea Defence Force was not tailored to fight a prolonged civil war against antagonists as it was not prepared, ill-equipped, lacked combat power which drastically affected the morale of the troops and most significantly lacked the political support.

I had been a career soldier and attended one of the most prestigious and reputable military colleges where future generals were bred. I have been privileged to be an exchange officer with the United States Army, British Army and was accorded a two-year employment opportunity with the Australian Defence Force as a lecturer in military arts and tactics at the Land Warfare Centre.

These exposures and professional training I received were an insurance that assisted me to take command of the Defence Force even at a prime age within the bounds of good command, leadership and stewardship based on strict military ethos based on empathy.

I will always mitigate and justify my actions regardless of public opinion and what lawyers and critics say. My professional judgement at the material time was critical where my conscience far outweighed what was deemed as a lawful executive order. To me, were superior orders seemed unlawful because of the serious consequences of a planned military operation against thousands of innocent civilians.

The consequence of the actual military onslaught according to my professional judgment would result in a carnage that would have been devastating to include serious crimes against humanity and would have drawn global condemnation and possible indictment to the Hague to face the War Crimes Tribunal for atrocities against thousands of innocent civilians.

The indictment would have included members of the National Security Council and me as commander, as we would be deemed to be culpable for conducting surgical military operations.

Investors flocking:

The experiences by Bougainvillians, Panguna landowners, royalty issues, the environmental damages and the lack of negotiation on their behalf by the National Government and the developer, Bougainville Copper Limited were critical issues that were not mitigated well.

The lessons of good governance which lacked wider community and professional consultation are still ambiguous even to this day. Investors with multibillion investments are flocking into PNG to exploit the people and the resources that are now becoming scarce globally regardless of community concerns.

Today foreign and commercial security companies have taken over national security functions it seems, a service reserved for state security forces with little or no government investment has been redirected to revitalise and revamp PNG’s own security forces. As a result of this neglect, the national security agencies have become defunct, disjointed, and operationally ineffective to protect PNG’s interest, sovereignty and security to say the least.

The concerns of lack of comprehension and understanding the issues of protecting national interest and security are appalling. It requires a government that puts the wellbeing of its citizens first before any other agendas.

Papua New Guinea’s law and order problem is escalating, HIV and AIDS is on an endemic rise, use of illegal guns, poverty is widespread, rural infrastructure is deteriorating or has been deteriorating and the government services of basic health and education have not been provided to many remote parts of PNG.

The land border with Indonesian-ruled Papua remains porous and the maritime boundaries and air space are not protected.

Equally of significant concern is the environmental damage as a result of industrial waste by the multimillion investors are a force of destruction that has and will continue to affect and plague Papua New Guinea.

Open door policy:

Really, if we continue the trend in the next five years of neglect to our national security then we may as well have an open door policy where exploiters globally can help themselves to our God-given resources forcing the next generation to opt to resort to antagonism as seen globally where established regimes are being literally ousted by the mass.

It is too evident to see the parallels of what is happening in PNG today even after a series of governments came into power from 1997 onwards – except today there is tactfulness in the way large contracts are handled so as to suppress and distort public opinion.

The landowners and the citizens always get the raw end of the deal.

Regrettably the lessons learnt from the engagement of Sandline mercenaries and Bougainville civil war is easily forgotten it seems.

While Papua New Guinea continues to go down a path of self-destruction based on omissions, self serving and false proclamation of the wealth creation for only a few, the reality is that the next generation of Papua New Guineans may turn out to be a generation of disgruntled, misfits, uneducated, city roamers who may see those in authority as tyrants, self serving and may decide to take up arms to engage in a prolonged armed resurrection against the government, foreign investors and exploiters.

In any case, this security quagmire offers scenarios anticipated in the coming decade that would be very difficult to deal with as lessons in the past have never been learnt.

It has always and will be the people’s call first for good governance while upholding our Constitution for the wellbeing of our citizens. It’s time to learn from the lessons learnt from Sandline in 1997 and correct them for the better.

Major-General Jerry Singirok, MBE (Rtd), was Commander of the PNG Defence Force at the time of the Sandline crisis in 1997. 

This article is republished from the PNG Post-Courier.


.... ends.

Sandline Mercenary Crisis, 1997. This was 24 years ago. PNG may have missed the opportunities. The years of an oil boom passed by. 

The PDM - led regime was faulted, found wanting, in 2002. In 1997, PNC rose to power on the wave of publicity generated by the Sandline Crisis, and Bill Skate ascended to office as Prime Minister. And, he lasted for the next 2 years.

PDM led by Sir Mekere Morauta stayed in office for 3 years until 2002.

Then, NA was swept into office. In 2011, 9 years later, Great Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare was dethroned prompted by the events of 2011 political impasse. 

In 2012, PNC returned to office the third time after taking control 8 months earlier. Peter O'Neill clinged onto the office of Prime Minister for 8 years.

Finally, the rise of Pangu Pati from a long slumber. On 30 May 2019, former Finance Minister under PNC years at the top for 8 years and Tari MP James Marape split with PNC with his 27 followers. 

He ganered the support of Parliament to vote him in as the 8th Prime Minister of PNG. And, Pangu Pati under his new role as party leader sounded the slogan to ' Take Back PNG'.

On the public notice board, the Sandline Crisis in 1997 remained the yardstick to measure PNG's leadership where it matters most. 

The challenge to get it right continues to evade Parliament. There were 5 NGEs, 25 years having lapsed, and the coming into the limelight of PNG politics of 6 Prime Ministers: Bill Skate, Mekere Morauta, Great Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare, Peter O'Neill, and James Marape.

Jerry Singirok. 1997. His mission may be defined as an ability to invoke his conscience, '...a matter of conscience', to define economic nationalism, and the national interest.

It seems to compel great interest. The lessons to be learnt. They are left on the table.

And, his opinion. The short - term shocks up till 1997 had shortchanged the national interest namely by Investors flocking, weak peace-making, and open door policy which remain largely beyond the call to action by the government.

The nationalist slogans are good. 1999, 'Date With Destiny'. 2002, 'Fairer, Wealthier, Healthier Nation'. 2012, 'Wok Mas Go Yet'. 2019, 'Take Back PNG'.

But, historical arguments offered powerful legitimation to imperialism and colonialism, helping, for instance, to justify the conquest of indigenous peoples. Thus powerful settler societies such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand managed to marginalize the indigenous population not only in real life and in mainstream conversations.

But, also in history books. 

Jerry Singirok pulled the plug on the historical argument. This was also the contemporary ideological and political battle to be fought.

The Sandline Crisis in 1997 is one of the features of our past. It is 24 years later. We have left-behind populations. 

And, many citizens, or all citizens hold the government responsible for their plight.

2022 NGE looms. The signpost must be somewhere. Wise men from the East. And, the star prompts. 

Kumul flai yet. Antap. The dark horse. And, the outside lane. Momase, here I come. Madang 'double - war' sing sing . Kundu pairap.

Enter, Jerry Singirok! 

(Photo caption: Sandline Crisis, 1997- the role of militant nationalists in the PNGDF led by Brigadier - General Jerry Singirok himself, was explained in terms of moral consciousness to promote national interests ahead of parochial interests; State authority - in the aftermath of the Bougainville Crisis, and Sandline Crisis, legitimacy of PNG's capitalist state diminished when monopoly of lethal and combat capability of oppressive arms of state including PNGDF was undermined by the Sandline Crisis; Sir Julius Chan - he wanted to resolve the Bougainville Crisis his way in order to win the 1997 NGE, and return as Prime Minister; PNC ascends to hold high office - 1997, and returns in 2011/12 after political impasse and stayed in office for 8 years under Peter O'Neill as Prime Minister; PNG - challenges of independence and nation - building is a call to action)
PORT VILA, VANUATU (17 July 2021): Today we take a look back in history when the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) was initially established exactly 35 years ago. 

During an informal meeting in Goroka, Papua New Guinea, on 17 July 1986, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, Paias Wingti, Prime Minister of Solomon Islands, Ezekiel Alebua, and the Prime Minister of Vanuatu, Walter Lini, together with a representative of the Front de Liberational the Nationale Kanak et Socialiste (FLNKS) of New Caledonia, met with a vision and determined political will for the liberation and decolonisation of all Melanesian countries and territories, which were still under colonial rule then. 

This vision birthed the development of a stronger cultural, political, social and economic identity and link between the people and communities of Melanesia up until today. 

As the MSG’s Secretariat, we acknowledge the wisdom and far-sightedness of these brave Leaders who dared to pave a way for our region! Today we are once again reminded of our role to serve our Members diligently, as we strive to implement the mandate of our Leaders for an even better Melanesia. We have certainly come a long way!

The photo below shows the signing of the Agreed Principles of Cooperation among MSG Member States in Port Vila, Vanuatu just two years later, on 14 March, 1988, after that initial meeting in PNG. 

From L-R: Prime Minister Wingti (Papua New Guinea), Prime Minister Lini (Vanuatu) and Prime Minister Alebua (Solomon Islands).
#MSG #UnitedForABetterMelanesia